Course curriculum
Welcome to the course!
What will you learn?
Why does it stop?
Simulation: Revise Forces in Action
Learning Outcome #1 Explain Friction & Drag
Simulation: Truck on a slope
What is Friction?
Real Life: Friction examples
Demo: Which way does Frictional force act?
Survey: Frictional force - When, where & how does it act
Simulation: Car Slide on a Race Track
Learning Outcome #2 List Advantages & Disadvantages of Friction
Real Life: A World Without Friction
Friction in Disc brakes
Application: Working of Disc brakes
Observations: Working of Disc brakes
Friction in Friction Feed of Roller Printers
How do we reduce friction between 2 bodies?
Learning Outcome #3 Differentiate between static friction and sliding friction
Doodle: Types of friction
Demo: Types of friction
Demo: Interlocking 2 books - Static friction
Street Challenge: Separating 2 Interlocked Books
Challenge: How strong can static friction be? - Interlocking books
Static Friction Challenge Survey
Demo: How easy is it to push a pencil into jar of rice? - Sliding friction
Challenge: Can you take a pencil out of a jar of rice?
What are types of Friction?
Real Life Example: Overcoming Friction
Learning Outcome #4 Tabulate methods of increasing and reducing friction
Real Life Examples: Increasing & Reducing Friction
Simulation: Surface irregularities
Challenge: How to fix creaky door hinges?
Using lubricants to fix creaky doors
Did we fix the creaky sound?
Super Quiz
Concept Map: Revise at a glance
Train Your Brain
Evolution of Science “Friction”